

Managed Hosting

Our team provides you with an all-in-one environment, so that you can concentrate on what matters most: posting on your blog!

We take care of platform maintenance and evolution, such as frequent upgrades and new features to fit your needs.

Our high-performing hardware also makes it quick and easy to log into our platform and ensures a smooth experience on your end, no matter what device you use to view Hypotheses.


You publish content, and we promote it! Our team regularly selects certain posts and promotes them on our various portals (the Hypotheses homepage and the French, English, Spanish, and German pages). Posts may also be featured on Hypotheses’ social media (Twitter and Facebook). Some blogs are even spotlighted via editorialization in the InSHS newsletter.

Once your blog is up and running, it will also be included in the OpenEdition's blogs directory, allowing it to be assigned an ISSN by the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (only for blogs located in France). Learn more about this process in english, or in french.

Support & Documentation

With Hypotheses, you can manage your blog how you want. You make the editorial decisions for your blog and choose its visual outfit. However, you are never alone as you go through the process. We offer a number of free guiding services to help you apprehend and set up your blog, whether you’re a novice or experienced blogger. You can also chat with other Hypotheses users in French, English, German, and Spanish via special mailing lists. The mailing lists allow you to talk about your respective editorial projects, to structure your writing projects and to form new collaborations in relation to your blog, as well as keeping up to date on major platform changes via messages from our team. If you or your editorial team wish to subscribe to one or more of the forums, contact us at

A help forum is also available (in French only) where you can ask technical questions about blog functionality and share writing and technical tips with a community of Hypotheses users. Our team monitors the forum to make sure every question is answered. The forum is open to the public in read-only format; to post to the forum, log into your Hypotheses account.

We also offer resource blogs, available in multiple languages, to help you manage your blog. You will find various tutorials grouped into a complete online course.

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Our team also offers two levels of free training in French. Training seminars are held regularly in videoconference or in-person in Paris and Marseille. Learn more or register.

Training seminars are occasionally held in Spain and Germany by our partners. Contact us for more information.

Finally, we also monitor articles published on Hypotheses daily as this allows us to contact you at times with recommendations or with suggestions for changes, such as correct copyright practice, help structuring your content, or the appearance of your blog.

If you have questions specific to your blog (application, catalog, password, etc.), our team is available at

Indexing & Rankings

By publishing your content on Hypotheses, you are choosing a platform that offers high visibility, much higher than most blogs could achieve through private hosting.

Hypotheses’ natural indexing ensures that your blog and posts will always appear high in search engine rankings. In addition, your ranking will be higher the more you publish, the more carefully you structure your content (by assigning categories and keywords), and the more you share your publications (by linking from other websites or posting on social media).

Indeed, promotion and editorialization of your work by the Hypotheses team also help improve your blog’s ranking.

Security & Permanency

Starting a blog on Hypotheses means guaranteed maximum security for you, your readership, and your publications.

First, we take measures to prevent anyone from hacking your blog (although it is still up to you to take certain precautions, such as choosing a strong password.) Hypotheses also uses anti-spam software to prevent undesirable messages taking over your comments section.

Second, all content that you publish on Hypotheses is regularly backed up and stored at the CNRS IN2P3 Computing Center. Our infrastructure thus ensures permanency for your articles, so that they can be cited even if you decide to stop updating your blog. If you do stop, your blog will become an archive and, as such, will continue to have a place within Hypotheses.

Finally, when you start a blog on our platform, your personal information is guaranteed to stay protected. You remain the owner of it, as well as of all your content.

Scientific Relevance

Hypotheses is a platform for academic blogs for all Humanities and Social Sciences. Without restricting your editorial freedom, our team works to ensure that all blogs fit this description.

Applications for new blogs are reviewed by our team and by the Hypotheses' Scientific Board. The Board examines the most unusual applications, those that fall just at the borders of our scientific perimeter (in particular, blogs dealing with interdisciplinary projects). Application processing times can be quite long, but this helps ensure the relevance of all blogs on Hypotheses.

Though we are not able to validate the science of every post published on Hypotheses, our team does monitor posts daily to verify that the academic perimeter is respected, thus ensuring the quality of publications on our platform.

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